12 pm ("Noon") Monday to Friday.


Develop Life Skills :

Social Skills : 

Mix and share with others. Respect personal space. Take turns. Communicate. Work as a team.

* Cooperation * Sharing * Participation * Being a Friend * Helping Others * Being Patient * Being Respectful

* Taking Turns * Following Directions * Remaining on Task * Accepting Differences * Praising Others 

* Using Good Manners * Positive Communication and Interactions * Being Polite and Courteous * Listening

* Respecting Ourselves, Others and Items


 Gross Motor Skills :

Walk, run, bounce, reach, throw, kick, roll, balance, catch, jump, hop, skip, climb,

turn and stop. Coordinate in various situations.

* eye/hand and eye/foot coordination * spatial awareness * memory and sequencing * directionality * balance

* laterality, crossing the midline 










 Timetable 2013 :  

* The order per week will depend on the availability of the hall and the weather.

Hall Toys  

A chance to share and play together wet or fine if the hall is available.


Motor Skills or PMP

See below under Gross Motor Skill Activities for the types of activities if the hall is available.

Use some of the PMP (Perceptual Motor Programme) equipment to run through various physical skills.


Dress Up and Dance

Being able to put on and off shoes and clothes is an essential life skill to practice.

Being able to express themselves through music & movement is a great gift that children have.

By dancing children learn about spatial awareness, co-ordination, and body awareness.


Sports or Wheels

Ball Games, Jump Rope, Hop Scotch etc. On Wednesday if fine use the Te Puna court for bike, scooter, 

walker or wheelchair. The rest of the school will be out here at lunch time with their bikes, skates etc.


Te Puna

Library and/or computers.



If a nice, warm day Sandpit or Adventure Playground.

A chance for Noon Club to be able to play & socialise together without the usual playtime crowd.



Four General Rules :

We should keep these in mind when helping to develop gross motor skills.


Children need large spaces where they can run around safely without getting hurt.


Including peers in the activities makes it much more fun and enjoyable.


It takes time to acquire skills such as skipping, balancing and catching a ball.


Like anything in life, practice makes perfect.

Take the time to practice these new skills.



Sports Day Activities include :

Ball Games to develop spatial orientation and their laterality.

(being aware of the right and left sides of their bodies).


Jump Rope to develop co-ordination and spatial orientation.

(the awareness of their bodies with relation to other objects around them).


Hopscotch to develop balance and coordination.















Gross Motor Skill Activities include :


Obstacle Course

Using cones, hoops etc. have the children imagine they are walking over water full of sharks or travelling in the forest etc. Children love pretend play & with the help of a variety of equipment it is easy to set up challenging gross motor activities that are fun and creative.


Animal Charades

Picture cards of animals in a container. Pick one out and act out the animal.

Pick a turtle? Get on the floor and slowly crawl. Pick a bunny rabbit? Start hopping.


Ankle Walk

This is a great game for physical development. Children hold their ankles with their hands and walk. This is a great way to improve their coordination and directional awareness.


Red Light, Green Light

A simple way to practice road rules.

Green light means go (or run), and red light means stop (or stand).


Make a Parade

Show children how to march like a member of the band with knees up high.

Have a drums and flag. March around the area in a procession following each other.


Freeze Game

Play some music and dance. When the music stops children have to FREEZE!


Mirror Game

Here is another simple physical development game. In partners, the children face one another, and one partner plays the part of the 'reflection' of the other. When the child jumps, the partner needs to jump.  When the child touches their nose, the partner needs to touch their nose. This helps in body awareness.


Baskets Game

Move around the room by walking, hopping etc. whatever is asked but when “Baskets!” is called children lie on their stomachs, bending their knees, to hold on to their ankles and sway from side to side like a basket. This is a great exercise that stretches their muscles, and teaches co-ordination and balance.


Musical Mats Game

Use carpet squares on the floor rather than chairs to play the game.


Simon Says Game

Get the children to touch their nose, their toes, or put their elbows on their knees. Create many combinations.This is a great way to teach children body awareness.



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